Tuesday, August 16, 2011




this is the second week of school. i can't get used to leaving this little girl yet. i cry on my way to work. i cry when i get home and see her. in between classes i have little aches in my heart that i don't expect. and oh gosh, please don't ask me what happens when my principle or fellow teachers ask about her. when i went to work out and put her in the infant care for the first time today i felt so guilty that i only lasted 30 minutes. i had to go scoop her up in my arms and hold her. i'm just glad she is still too little to say mommy or know that i'm leaving her to go make money. this is hard.

i pray that i will know how to still be a good mom to this beautiful girl in my care. she is more important than anything else.


  1. so beautiful....she doesn't seem to be bothered one bit :) don't go see the Help...just don't.

  2. Except in this case, the "help" is grandma costly, grandma McKown, and daddy.she is a very lucky girl.

  3. um i want to eat her up! That is a beautiful picture of her! I think you are a great mommy! You spend every waking second you can with her and I think she knows that mommy is obsessed with her. She is one lucky lady. and besides, I think her and I need a little more bonding time. =-) hahaha.

  4. You are the best. She will look back at your blog someday and think how amazing you are to be willing to sacrifice like this.
