Thursday, March 11, 2010


So i found out last night that not even Spencer reads this blog. BUT... nonetheless I will continue to write. I will continue to blab on about our upcoming nuptials (or rather, just my planning and getting excitedness) and I will not be discouraged by the lack of people who care.

TODAY, I get to drive to the other side of the Valley of the Sun and try on my wedding dress. Not the sample dress that is actually ivory and that has been tried on by numerous other people and that was 4 sizes too big for me. I'm talking about my very own, never been tried on, pure white, perfect sized wedding dress. Which took about 4 months to get here (even with a rush order). So you can imagine my happiness.

What underwear should I wear? Am I too pale at the moment? Will it fit? Should I eat or not eat? What if I don't like it being pure white instead of that soft ivory? These are all the things going through my head as we speak. Because as any girl knows, this dress is one of the most important things she will ever wear in her LIFE. It's gotta be right, right?

Another fun thing... TODAY we are sending out the invitations. They are so cute. They are hand designed by yours truly:) And everyone got different pictures so make sure you look at your friends pictures too!


  1. Well, I just want you to know that I read your blog! :) That's all that matters. LOL. So glad that you are getting to try on your very own dress. So, so, so, excited for you!

  2. I read it too! hope the fitting went well! I am so happy for you!!
