i've been putting together a slideshow of all the images from my grandma mckown's life. her name is lorene case mckown. she is beautiful and hardworking and strong. she is still here with us but things are going downhill fast and i'm so glad we have all these wonderful photographs to learn and remember everything about her. here are a few i just love looking at.
my grandpa mckown who i never met is here in the middle. he sure was handsome and reminds me of my dad and brothers so much! (g-ma is not in this pic)
this is lorene and her mother. haha!
i believe they are holding my dad in this one. who was, in fact, adorable.
i love all her clothes. wish we still dressed up like they did.
my grandma grew up in a totally different world than i did. her dad worked on railroads and so they would live in tents along the way. new mexico, arizona, texas, and louisiana is where she grew up. she was TOUGH. and she has some great stories to tell. i'm glad i can help preserve some of her precious memories :)
her last name was burrow with her first husband who she had 3 kids with. she had another 3 kids with my grandpa and she was sealed to him when they were older. (my grandpa wasn't LDS when she met him)
(lorene in the middle)
my dad was her youngest :) love this photo.
my dad again, is on the left. so cute.
You done a good thing, mo.