the something i'm blogging about right now is kinda important to me. and i really wanted to put it out there on the web-er-net all special and cool like and maybe even include some exciting photos. but i'm just gonna write it. and then i'll write some more nonsense.
holy smokes that felt weird to write. we only told our families starting this week. i've been holding it in for a month or so and if you know me, that is a huge deal. i'm 10 weeks along. gretta is gonna be a big sister. and it is going to be amazing. crazy, busy, hectic, amazing.
i can't wait to hold this baby. i get to have another baby?!? how am i allowed to do this? i feel way too lucky and way too... trusted?? wow. wow wow wow. but anyways. since this blog is definitely the journal of our lives, i'm gonna make some comments on how this pregnancy has been different from the other.
-i haven't thrown up. (only felt like it)
-i know what i'm getting into (i think)
-i have a baby to chase after, so i think about being pregnant hardly ever.
-i don't want to take any belly pictures. not even one thank you. (and funnily enough, i don't think this baby will care if i do or do not in the long run. haha)
-i have no ideas of what to name him/her.
-i'm visiting a midwife. she has made me feel like the most capable woman alive.
-i have no idea where i will be delivering this baby. maybe az, maybe tx, maybe korea? (haha jk mom)
-i really want a boy. and by writing that i better not have jinxed it.
i get to have another one of these!
MOllie, Hi! This is my first visit to your blog and I followed it from the facebook link! AHHHHHHH CONGRATS MAMA! So exciting. Fun fun! Excited for you. How close will the two be?
ReplyDeleteand here I thought I'd find a picture of Phil Mickelson??? sheesh. total let down :) congrats dear!
ReplyDeleteI forgot how much hair sweet Gretta had when she was born! So much! I am so freakin excited for you. Just more babies to chase and take pictures of! LOVE!
ReplyDeleteHIP HIP HOORAY!!!! Can't wait, can't wait!
ReplyDeleteThat is so exciting! It is kinda funny, if I would not have had a miscarriage, our baby #2s would have also been 6 weeks apart. We are like two peas in a pod!
ReplyDeleteWOW how exciting!